Principles of Adaptive Design


  • Stephanie Rieger: “Diversity is not a bug… it’s an opportunity.”
  • Give people what they want when they access the web.


  • Embrace the squishiness!


  • 71% of mobile users expect mobile sites to load as fast if not faster than desktop counterparts.
  • 74% of mobile visitors will abandon a site if it takes more than five seconds to load.
  • You have 5 seconds of someone’s time.
  • 86% of responsive websites have same page weight for mobile and desktop.
  • Performance Is Design. A highly performant website is that much closer to being a solid web experience.
  • “You can’t mock up performance in Photoshop”


  • Responsive Design != One Size Fits All
  • There is a difference between support and optimization: The goal is to explain to stakeholders that the goal is to support as many devices as possible, but to optimize for the ones that are in budget/scope/etc.


  • Acknowledge and embrace unpredictability

Demo Time

  • Demo links
  • Scale up images slightly for a boost in apparent quality. Could this be a better solution than doubling all images?
  • Social icon loading is heavy.

Carousel Best Practices

Avoid the “Mystery Meat Carousel of Crap!”

  • Make sure you actually need one
  • Cycle through like items
  • Only load what you need
  • Be explicit with navigation
    • Dots to indicate pagination on a carousel is ineffective.
    • Next/Previous is better. Also include “x of y” indication.
  • Give hints that other content exists
    • Show partial content from next or previous slide.
  • Treat touch as an enhancement

Auxilary Content

  • Conditional loading: Scott Jehl calls it aggressive enhancement.
  • When scrolling on mobile, we’re always scrolling through a singular type of content.

Ben Franklin: “When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.”