All Notes

  1. Design Renegade ConvergeRVA
  2. The Wordless News Creation Process ConvergeRVA
  3. Design Rebel ConvergeRVA
  4. Making Musical Instruments & Music ConvergeRVA
  5. The Power of Side Projects ConvergeRVA
  6. Single Page Applications ConvergeRVA
  7. Designers Can Open Source ConvergeRVA
  8. A Day Apart: Responsive Design and Accessibility AnEventApartDC
  9. Co-Design Not Redesign AnEventApartDC
  10. Designing Using Data AnEventApartDC
  11. SVG is for Everybody AnEventApartDC
  12. Designing Engagement AnEventApartDC
  13. The Art of Anticipation AnEventApartDC
  14. #RWD is Still Hard/Easy AnEventApartDC
  15. UX Strategy Means Business AnEventApartDC
  16. Mind the Gap: Designing in the Space Between Devices AnEventApartDC
  17. Screen Time AnEventApartDC
  18. Putting the Fonts into Webfonts AnEventApartDC
  19. The Integral Designer: Developing You AnEventApartDC
  20. Understanding Web Design AnEventApartDC
  21. A More Responsive Process RefreshDC
  22. Be Kind To Your Future Self: Creating Better Front-End Processes ConvergeRVA
  23. Bower: Front-End Development with Package Management ConvergeRVA
  24. The State of Being a Maker ConvergeRVA
  25. Git: The Story Right ConvergeRVA
  26. HTML5 Games with JavaScript and Canvas ConvergeRVA
  27. Building A Front-End Framework ConvergeRVA
  28. Eye Tracking and the Design Process ConvergeRVA
  29. Responsive Web Design Killed My Process ConvergeRVA
  30. Practical Ways to Make Your Website Accessible RefreshDC
  31. It’s a Great Time To Be a UX Designer AnEventApartDC
  32. Content/Communication AnEventApartDC
  33. The Map & The Territory AnEventApartDC
  34. Hot Links! AnEventApartDC
  35. Strong Layout Systems AnEventApartDC
  36. The Long Web AnEventApartDC
  37. The Mobile Content Mandate AnEventApartDC
  38. The Immobile Web AnEventApartDC
  39. It’s a Write/Read (Mobile) Web AnEventApartDC
  40. The Nimble Process: Think Before You Design AnEventApartDC
  41. Faster Design Decisions with Style Tiles AnEventApartDC
  42. Ten Commandments of Web Design AnEventApartDC
  43. The Five Things You Need for Users to Take Action RefreshDC
  44. Working with Git and GitHub RefreshDC
  45. Responsive Design for the Real World RefreshDC
  46. Responsive Web Design Workshop AnEventApartDC
  47. The Curious Properties of Intuitive Web Pages AnEventApartDC
  48. Designing Meetings to Work for Design AnEventApartDC
  49. What Clients Don’t Know (and Why It’s Your Fault) AnEventApartDC
  50. Buttons Are a Hack AnEventApartDC
  51. Little Big Systems AnEventApartDC
  52. Uncle Sam Wants You (To Optimize Your Content for Mobile) AnEventApartDC
  53. Rolling Up Our Responsive Sleeves AnEventApartDC
  54. Beyond Media Queries: An Anatomy of an Adaptive Web Design AnEventApartDC
  55. Mobile to the Future AnEventApartDC
  56. Upping Your Type Game AnEventApartDC
  57. Creating UI Pattern Libraries AnEventApartDC
  58. Content First! AnEventApartDC