This multi-device web design increases stress exponentially. — Trent Walton

A Framework for Collaboration

1. Objectives

  • A concrete goal defined by personal or shared gain.
  • In business, defined by customer success (external) or cost savings (internal).
  • Objectives connect our work to a bottom line.
  • Business objectives usually come from the top. We often have no idea what they are or what they have to do with us.

2. Strategy

  • A strategy statement is a rally cry for the whole team. It gives a shared, long-term direction for short-term goals and activities.

3. Principles

  • Government Digital Service Design Principles: informs every single activity that GDS performs on their website.
  • Principles keep us accountable to our values, drive product and process design, and embody our way of working together.

4. Roles

We should care less about specific methods and more about people on our teams. — Pawel Brodzinski

  • The RACI Model
    • Who is responsible for a task?
    • Who is accountable for the work’s success
    • Who must be consulted before work can be signed off on?
    • Who must be kept informed along the way?

Activity does not always equal productivity.

5. Perceptions

  • From Plato: You need to understand what the listener thinks, and why… then speak to that.
  • Getting to a shared language means learning how to explain yourself so people can understand you. It means being brave and asking for clarity if you need it.

The greatest predictor of a team’s achievement was how the members felt about one another. — The Happiness Advantage