• We’ve gotten very good at bridging gaps online. Information flows freely around the world.
  • How do we deal with these physical gaps between our devices?
  • 90% of people who have more than one device accomplish tasks across multiple screens
  • RCA’s wireless remote controlled television from 1961

Sequential Tasks

Simultaneous Tasks

  • Google’s Racer Chrome Experiment
  • WebRTC, peer-to-peer, web sockets without the server in the middle.

It’s not enough to share content across devices. We need to share action. We want to sync verbs, not just nouns.

Physical Interaction

  • Interacting with gadgets in ways that are more natural and more in line with how we interact with the physical world.
  • DrumPants
  • Misfit Shine has you place the device on your smartphone screen to sync. This accommodates shortcomings in the physical design (made of aluminum) that inhibited long-distance Bluetooth communciation.

We need to make our devices more social.

It’s not a challenge of technology. It’s a challenge of imagination.

Never try to out-mouse the mouse

  • How do we use new inputs to talk to devices? What can we do that the mouse can’t do?
  • The Leap Motion can point at stuff that’s not on the screen, bridging the gap between physical and digital.

Physical and Digital

  • Rom’s interactive Leap Motion Displays
  • Use devices to pull up information about garments in real time in a retail context. Bringing the online shopping experience to the physical shopping experience.
  • The Internet of Things: digital becomes physical and physical becomes digital
  • The Mimo Baby Monitor is either creepy or amazing. Gives a digital avatar to a newborn.
  • Mundane Computing: trivial improvements to devices (e.g. a WiFi-enabled microwave that simply keeps the time correct)
  • Teddy Ruxpin was an attempt at a social toy, but failed due to the limitations of available technology. Now, we can have truly social toys like those available from Toymail.
  • Software makes hardware scale. Teddy Ruxpin was limited to the available cassettes. Software lets hardware be an avatar for people. Software scales the lifespan and durability of the hardware.
  • LG HomeChat

Software is ideology, embedded with values. It’s political (in terms of worldview).

  • Honor intention, but don’t assume it. We often confuse context with intention. They aren’t the same!
  • Intentional, Passive, and Social Interactions: The key is to successfully combine all three.

Amplify human connection. Bend technology to our lives and not the reverse.

Designing for the Future

  • Plan for gadget hopping in your service. Know that 2/3rds of your shoppers will complete the task across devices.
  • Share action and tasks across devices.
  • Lean on peer-to-peer sharing. Sometimes you don’t need the network.
  • Move interactions off the screen and into the world around us.
  • Design for sensors and use them as the interface.
  • Everything can have an avatar, a digital representation for us to manipulate. We can have a semi-social relationship with our devices, appliances, etc.