• SVG is flexible, sharp, small, and accessible.

You might say that SVG is responsive and responsible.

  • Using SVGs can be as easy as <img src="horse.svg">.
  • SVG matters now because support for it ruuuuuuules!
  • SVG is a syntax that you can learn, unlike other image formats (One doesn’t learn JPG).
  • Not a replacement for bitmap or raster graphics, though.

How do you get SVGs for your website?

  1. You could learn the SVG syntax and write some by hand. This is madness.
  2. You could make some in a vector editing program like Adobe Illustrator or Sketch.
  3. You could also go snag some vector stuff off the Internet (like everyone else!).

How do you use SVGs on your website?

  • SVG-as-img: <img src="clover.svg" alt="clover">
    • Your server might be serving SVGs with the wrong content type. They should be image/svg+xml.
  • SVG as background-image: background-image: url("clover.svg");
  • Inline SVG: You can put <svg> in your markup.

Advantages of Inline SVG

  • Shapes are in the DOM and can be controlled with CSS and JavaScript.
  • No additional HTTP requests are made.
  • You can define an SVG once and use it in multiple places.

SVGs have an intrinsic width and height in the form of a viewBox. An SVG also has a viewport which is the size of the element.

  • preserveAspectRatio (MDN reference) can be used to position an SVG within its viewBox.
  • Combine CSS’ background-size: cover; with an SVG background image to fill an element with the vector background.

SVG Templating

Using SVG as a design system (see: GitHub’s interface icons).

  • The <defs> element tells the browser not to render the enclosed paths to the browser.
  • Drop <use xlink:href="#shape-icon-1"></use> within an <svg> element to use a defined path.
  • For external files: <use xlink:href="defs.svg#shape-icon-1"></use>
  • svg4everybody polyfill for adding external SVG spritemaps to non-supporting browsers.
  • The <symbol> element (MDN reference) can be used with <desc> (MDN reference) to add notes to an SVG spritemap.
  • Responsive Icons demo illustrates media queries and SVGs.

Build Tools

  • IcoMoon can help you build an icon font with just the necessary characters. Recently added SVG sprite output.
  • svgo can be used to trim out the unnecessary meta data from Illustrator-saved SVGs.

SVG vs. Icon Fonts

  • Any advantage an icon font has, an SVG also has.
  • SVG has accessibility built right in with <title> and <desc>.
  • The only thing icon fonts do better than SVGs are support for older versions of IE.

Dealing with Fallbacks

Remember, one kind of fallback is nothing. (Like if you’re using an icon to enhance a word.)

SVG Accessibility

  • Léonie Watson’s Tips for Creating Accessible SVG
  • You can use text (including @font-face fonts) in SVGs. The content is accessible and can be sized up or down just like normal text.

SVG Filters and Blend Modes

Animating SVGs

  • With <animate>
  • With CSS @keyframes
  • With JavaScript (with tools like snap.svg).

And lastly, A Compendium of SVG Information.