• How do we use anticipation to create moments of joy and excitement?
  • It’s natural to get sucked into thinking that design is about the device.

The device is one piece of context.

  • Time, location, proximity, the device itself, the user’s state of mind and capabilities… These are all pieces of what defines, “context.”
  • We no longer ask what resolution we design for, we ask what resolution ranges we should design for.
  • For the UXCamp Ottawa site, on the day of the event, flip the homepage to show the event’s schedule.
  • The team created a context map that plots content importance over time.
  • Content hierarchy based on a user’s location: How does your content’s priority change with respect to a user’s locadtion?
  • Dopplr silently switched the calendar widget’s first day of the week based on user’s location (Sunday for the US, Monday for most everywhere else).
  • All saved context must be resettable!

Context changes with respect to proximity. Where are you in relation to another person, place, or thing?

  • GPS adjusts the zoom of a map depending on your speed, showing more of the map at higher speeds.
  • Display should change with regards to capabilities, expressed interests, etc.

If a user has said something is important to them, then we should provide that kind of information as quickly as possible.

  • Minimum Viable Interaction: what is the absolute minimum that someone needs to make a decision as to whether or not they should go further with a particular piece of information?
  • What if someone only consumes your site by reading/hearing the headings? Can they use your site?
  • Could displays change with respect to state of mind?

Remember the device is just one piece of context. We want to use time, location, proximity, device, state of mind, capabilities, etc.

Content in context is king.