Jason currently works at Editorially.

Design is not an endpoint, it’s a stop along the timeline.

MVU: Minimum Viable Understanding. What’s the least amount of work that can be done to effectively convey an idea?

Good design happens around good constraints.

The Nimble Process

  • Start with paper. It’s cheap: actually and mentally. Don’t worry about fidelity.
  • Ideas want to be ugly. Ideas can be ugly because they are cheap and quick.

Sketchbooks are about being a good thinker, not about being a good artist.

  • Work backwards into a grid. Think about what the content requires first then figure out a grid from the natural results of this process (rather than shoehorning content into a predefined grid).
  • Jesse Bennett-Chamberlain’s post, My Responsive Design Process (So Far), details his use of InDesign as a responsive design tool.
  • Designing in-the-browser is more of an implementation-based thought process than designing in Photoshop. Neither process is right or wrong. It matters when it matters.

Let’s change the phrase “designing in the browser” to “deciding in the browser” — Dan Mall

  • Keynote Kung-Fu, a wireframe toolkit for Keynote
  • Typecast
  • Prototypes can serve as documentation (Twitter Bootstrap is an example of this).