Git: Distributed version control

  • A repository tracks the history of a project. Generally one project per repository.
  • Commits are git’s atomics units.
  • git show displays the content of the most recent commit.
  • Stages of a file: changed => staged => committed
  • git show plus a commit ID will show that commit.
  • git show HEAD is synonymous with git show.
  • git revert plus a commit ID will rollback changes to the provided commit ID.

Branching and Merging

  • One of the most awesome things about git!
  • Branches allow you to try out ideas quickly and cheaply. Keep what works. Throw out what doesn’t.
  • master doesn’t have to be the name of the primary timeline for a project. But… You’d be crazy pants to change that.
  • git log --oneline prints out a nicer-looking log.
  • git diff HEAD master in a branch will compare HEAD of that branch to what’s in master.
  • git-media library for storing large assets like PSDs or Illustrator files.


  • git fetch pulls code down. git pull fetches and merges in one step.
  • You can use GitHub for almost every action you’d take on a repository from the command line: Adding files, editing files, viewing commits, creating branches, etc.

Further Learning